
Scaling dynamics of the ultracold Bose gas
Ashton S. Bradley, Jordan Clarke, Tyler W. Neely, and Brian P. Anderson, Phys. Rev. A 106, 053316 – Published 18 November 2022
The large-scale expansion dynamics of quantum gases is a central tool for ultracold gas experiments and poses a significant challenge for theory. In this work we provide an exact reformulation of the Gross-Pitaevskii equation for the ultracold Bose gas in a coordinate frame that adaptively scales with the system size during evolution, enabling simulations of long evolution times during expansion or similar large-scale manipulation.

Mesoscopic Dynamical Differences from Quantum State Preparation in a Bose-Hubbard Trimer
Olsen M. K., Neely T. W. and Bradley A. S., 2018
Physical Review Letters, 120, 23
Conventional wisdom is that quantum effects will tend to disappear as the number of quanta in a system increases, and the evolution of a system will become closer to that described by mean-field classical equations.