
Grant funding successes for 2025
New funding for the lab — totalling more than $1.6M to drive new and exciting projects!

Our paper exploring a universal drag law in superfluids is available on the arXiv!
Our paper ‘Emergent Universal Drag Law in a Model of Superflow’ is on the arXiv now, find it here: https://arxiv.org/abs/2406.14049!

Our paper on exploring the limits of phonon interferometry as rotation sensors has been published in SciPost Physics!
In this work, we study the viability of rotation sensing using phonon interferometers in Bose-Einstein condensates.

Our paper exploring the limits of phonon-interferometry is available on the arXiv!
The limits of phonon interferometry have been explored by the UQ BEC group.

Our paper "Turbulent Relaxation to Equilibrium in a Two-Dimensional Quantum Vortex Gas" has been published in PRX!
In this work, we explored the relaxation of initially non-equilibrium configurations of vortices. Impressively, the vortex configurations in equilibrium were found to closely match the predictions of the point vortex model.

Roadmap on Atomtronics now published in AVS Quantum Science
Roadmap on Atomtronics: State of the art and perspective, has now been published online in AVS Quantum Sci. 3, 039201 (2021).

Review of configured optical trapping techniques for cold atoms on the arXiv!
Our review of configured optical trapping techniques for cold atoms has been posted on the arXiv. We have aimed for a detailed technical review that highlights some of the subtleties in implementing acousto-optic deflector, DMD and SLM traps, as a complete guide to the experimentalist. The chapter will appear in Advances in Atomic Molecular and Optical Physics later this year.

Our paper on off-axis vortex equilibria is on the arXiv!
In this preprint, we study the high-energy phases of vortex matter in a superfluid quasi-2D Bose-Einstein condensate. These phases have eluded experimental detection before due to the requirements of very low dissipation and loss in experiments.

Australian Quantum Vortex team a finalist for 2020 Eureka Prize
Our group has been selected as a finalist for the 2020 Eureka Prize for Scientific Research as part of the Australian Quantum Vortex Team! The nomination stems from the recent work in our group on vortex clusters, along with that of the group of Kristian Helmerson at Monash University and Warwick Bowen's group at UQ. All together, this large collaboration resulted in three publications in Science in 2019.

New publication on vortex fluids in Physical Review Research!
We have a new publication on vortex fluids in the open access Physical Review Research! Oliver Stockdale and the theory team have shown that an expanding vortex cluster in a 2D superfluid forms a Rankine vortex, suported by experimental measurements. This process is forbidden in classical fluids due to viscosity.

Mr Tom Bell is now Dr Tom Bell
Congratulations to Tom who has had his PhD thesis accepted and conferred!

Dr Guillaume Gauthier awarded Springer Thesis Prize
Congratulations to Dr Guillaume Gauthier for winning the prestigious Springer Thesis Prize for his thesis submitted last year. Keep an eye out for the upcoming book publication from Springer!

Congratulations to Callam Manning on completing Honours
Congratulations to Callam Manning who completed his honours project with the group and received 1st-class Honours! Callam studied the superfluid fountain effect in a dumbbell potential.

Congratulations to Dr Tyler Neely who has received an ARC Future Fellowship
Congratualtions to Dr Tyler Neely who is one of eight Australian Research Council Future Fellowships awarded at UQ.

Giant vortex clusters in a two-dimensional quantum fluid
Our research on Onsager vortex clusters has just been published in Science.