Official opening of the new UQ Bose-Einstein Condensate Laboratory and the Superconducting Quantum Devices lab

While it has been a while since the coldest point in Queensland moved, 13 April 2023 marked the official opening of the new EQUS BEC lab and SQD lab. For this celebratory occasion some distinguished guests visited both laboratories to take a look at how Australia’s quantum research is shaping the future.

Among the guests were Australia’s federal Minister for Industry, Science and Technology, the Hon. Ed Husic, Queensland Minister for the Environment and the Great Barrier Reef and Minister for Science and Youth Affairs, the Hon. Meaghan Scanlon, Deputy CEO of the Australian Research Council, Dr. Richard Johnson, Queensland’s Interim Chief Scientist, Bronwyn Harch and UQ’s Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Deborah Terry. Our guests acknowledged the many Australian pioneers in quantum technology and highlighted the importance of the development of emerging quantum technologies. Both labs will contribute to the discovery and development of new quantum technologies, and the translational research required to allow industrialization of new quantum tech.

Thank you to everyone who has been involved in bringing these lab facilities to life.


Our paper on exploring the limits of phonon interferometry as rotation sensors has been published in SciPost Physics!


Our paper on creating persistent current using machine learning is available on the arXiv!