Spinor Condensates
Currently under construction at UQ’s new Bose-Einstein Condensate (BEC) laboratory, our spinor BEC experiment uses the magnetic sublevels in the ground state of ⁸⁷Rb to explore the interplay of superfluidity and ferromagnetism in two-dimensional quantum systems. Of particular interest to our group is the creation of a spin-vortex structure called the Polar-Core Vortex (PCV).
PCVs play a role in understanding fundamental concepts of condensed matter physics, such as spin turbulence, the Kibble-Zurek mechanism, magnetic domain growth and universality. At UQ it is our goal to be the first group to controllably create and arrange PCVs and fully understand these bizarre vortices. A brief description of our experimental goal and methods is included below.
To achieve controllable PCV creation, our novel experimental method uses a digital micromirror device (DMD) and light at the 790 nm tune-out wavelength of ⁸⁷Rb to impart circulation to each state selectively via phase imprinting.
Unlike scalar vortices which behave as if they have no mass, it is predicted that interacting PCVs behave as a Coulomb gas of massive particles. Namely that PCVs with the same “charge” will repel and oppositely “charged” PCVs will attract each other and annihilate. This in distinction to scalar vortices which form stable vortex dipoles.
Experimental Goals: Characterise the interaction dynamics and particle-like properties of PCVs by making controllable initial arrangements in a ⁸⁷Rb BEC in a 2D trapping geometry.
Interested? See the Join Us page for available projects or contact Dr. Guillaume Gauthier.
In addition to this experimental apparatus, our lab also studies phenomena in spin-independent systems in our Scalar Apparatus. There are also several BEC experiments that reached the end of their natural lifetime and have since been replaced by a new apparatus. Click here to see our Retired Experiments.