Defence Science and Technology Grant: Inertial sensing with a quantum gas phonon interferometer (2019-2022)
While trapped atom interferometers can provide orders of magnitude improvement on inertial sensing with phonons, for a similar enclosed area, they are complicated by the effects of atom-atom interactions. An alternative approach is to use trapped standing wave phonons in a BEC, where the atom-atom interactions give rise to the fundamental mechanism of the interferometer. This project will examine the feasibility of standing-wave phonons for rotation sensing.
Defence Science and Technology Group, Next Generation Technologies Fund: Quantum Technologies Research Network (2019-2022), “Inertial sensing with a quantum gas phonon interferometer,” $693k, CI Prof Halina Rubinsztein-Dunlop, PIs Dr Mark Baker, Dr Tyler Neely, Dr Michael Bromley, Prof Matthew Davis, Dr Joel Corney, Dr Simon Haine.
Dr. Michel Bromley
Dr. Simon Haine
Dr. Joel Corney